The federal appropriations process, by which Congress allocates funds for the entirety of the federal government, is getting underway for fiscal year 2022. The 12 appropriations committees in the House and Senate will begin the work of divvying up federal funds, one program at a time. The process for fiscal year 2021, which was supposed to have been finished by the end of September, was finally wrapped up in December after disagreements on numerous issues.
The vast majority of NBCC’s priority programs fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies subcommittees in both the House and Senate. Some of the programs we are focused on securing increased funding for are SAMHSA’s Minority Fellowship Program, HRSA’s Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program, and the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program, among many others. We have been very successful over the past several years in advocating for funding increases for these programs, and we intend to build on that success.